Thursday, 16 June 2011

Growing evils of drug addiction

Drug addiction is major cause of concern in our society. this evil has spread all over the world..The sad part of it is that people specially youth  is attracted to this evil. Now a days college going boys and girls and even in some cases school going children are also found involve in this activity. Addiction of drugs is certainly very dangerous and once  some one is addicted, he finds very difficult to come out of this evil.The worst part of it is drug  consumer tempted  to commit crimes also. If  drug addicts does not have the money then he tries to find some other short cut method to get it at any cost and for that he  can go to any extent Police report says that crime graph of drug addicts is rising very sharply and  in most of the cases  boys commit crime because they need money for consuming drugs.The greatest concern of our society is that number of such drug consumers is increasing very rapidly. Anti social elements are targeting the innocent boys and girls of age group of between 18-25.

Although the government  is taking all possible steps to deal with this anti social elements and also committed to rehabilitate  these innocent  victims.But  governments alone can not fight with this situation we as a society has also a moral responsibility to change its attitude  of looking at these addicts. We should have sympathy towards these drug addicts and give them a chance to bring reforms among themselves and bring them in to the main stream of the society..     . .



At 25 June 2011 at 03:59 , Blogger Genie said...

Good point!

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