Monday, 18 October 2010

Co- incidence(Accident)

As a matter of fact we are not used to hear this title.Tittle sounds unusual. I purposely given this title for the reasons as under:

We are two brothers. My elder brother who is twelve years elder to me.Since we lost our parents long back so for all practical purpose for me at least ,my brother is in place of father.At this moment that is less relevant.My bhabhi was a chronic patient of diabetes and she was bed ridden for almost ten years.For  what ever little movement or for call of nature she used to go by wheel chair only.She was occupant of wheel chair for almost of decade or so.After my brother's retirement they shifted to Chasnala dist Dhanbad ( Jharkhand) where their elder son is working with SAIL.

On 3rd of June,05 my bhabhi was admitted in hospital and she went in Coma.and on 7th of June,05 she breathed her last.So we can say  wheel chair which has an occupancy for last ten years at last vacated.
Now the story starts. On 3rd June,05 my wife left for Gwalior by luxury Bus for her onward journey to Delhi with her brother after a halt at Gwalior.The same night the Bus which was carrying my wife met with an accident and my wife got spinal injury. in medical terminology it is called paraplegia.To understand for a layman we can say that her lower limbs affected i.e means from waist downwards she lost the sense. She does not have sense even of toilet and bathroom.Now she is bed ridden and her movements( not even call of nature as her sensory nerves are completely damaged ) she was left with no option but to occupy wheel chair.

This is a co-accident as I would call it, that the day i.e on 3rd June,05 the chair was vacated and after some usual time as normally happens in case of transfer,my wife took the charge of wheel chair from my bhabhi.

See what is happened is happened, but my Ernest request with folded hand to Almighty that the game of "Handing Taking over" should now come to THE END.



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